"An awesome law enforcing justice serving crimefighter, who started out as a lowly BurgerKing working, podium dancer"
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Whatever Happened To...
Lots of stuff going on (though little of actual interest) and as a result this thing just sort of fell off the radar. Tomorrow I am going on holiday, so there wont be another update for a little while again, but while I am here I should tell you all what has been happening.
Well the klutz in me is still alove and well and in the last two months I have broken my wrist again. I swear to god I need to get some sort of bionic implant to make it not keep snapping. Ive got this support thing strapped to it now, but it isnt in a cast anymore which is good.
Things with me and Jay are still amazing. Not much to update in that department really. Work is the same as ever, though I am officially off my training now and am a complete officer. Yay me. The last few days I have been covering the Labour conference thing going on in Manchester. I even managed to get my chops on the news while I was hanging around in the background looking menacing.
Preparations for holidays are still underway. Got lots of new things even though it is still ages away. I am however still shopping crazy and doing lots of spree's in preparation for Christmas. Ooh I cant wait for that to come around again. Jay and I are doing it together at our place this year for the first time. Last year we were both at our families and didnt see each other as we were a few hundred miles apart so this year I am playing ultimate housewife and everything has to be perfect. Im nearly done with it now though. Im soooo organised this year :)
Other than that I cant really think of anything else exciting to report. There is loads of boring shit I could update with, but where is the fun in that?
Hope all of you are well and will read this. Until next time....
Friday, 2 July 2010
The downsides of having your arse waxed by inexperienced policemen
Anyways, I just thought I would mention it. Moving on though, Jay and I have been talking about moving to Brighton. I could easily transfer with work, and Jay would have no trouble finding a job, but at the moment its just a possibility that we are thinking about. Im growing tired of being in this city so I think a fresh start would do the world of good. Even if we decide to do it though, it would take about a year of planning, so nothing will be happening any time soon. I shall keep you all updated though
OMG the heat. Lets talk about the heat for a second. Britain has gone into meltdown over the last few weeks. I cant take it. Trekking around in my uniform doesnt help either. I keep seeing people in their shorts and vests while im stuck in boots and trousers and a jumper. Its just not fair. Even with only a shirt on im a sweaty mess.
We had a works summer garden party last week which was great. It was the first time Jay met a lot of my work mates. It was held in the grounds of this big country manor. We had lots of charity things going on to raise money too, like date auctions and head shaving, things like that. Myself and Victor, another officer, were put forward to have our butts waxed which was a nightmare. We were put on this stage thing, in thongs, and bent over a table while two officers applied wax strips to us. MOST. PAINFUL. THING. EVER!!! For days afterwards I had little blood spots all over my arse. Everyone was in hysterics while me and Victor screamed in pain. Ive been waxed before but it never hurt like that. We raised £460 for the pleasure though, so it was worth it I guess.
Jays birthday is just around the corner. I havent gone overboard on the presents this time like I thought I would, but I am throwing him a surprise party. Its nothing fancy, just a few mates around ours with balloons and cake and whatnot. I want to tell him so bad. Im rubbish at hiding things from him. im keeping zipped for now though.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Stop! Hammer Time
I've been thinking about getting a new car. I know it's only a couple of months since I had my last, but I really want to get an Audi TT. I dont want a brand new one though. I like the ones from around 2004/5. I will have too see how money is I guess.
Jay has started getting really clumsy lately. He's bandaged and plastered all over at the moment because he keeps falling over or walking into things. It's as if he is going around with his eyes closed or something. Perhaps my clumsiness has started rubbing off on him or something.
So good to see that summer is finally here. We have had a couple of glorious weeks of sunshine in the uk (though its cloudy and rainy this week). I love the sun, but I did find myself wishing it was a bit cooler. I went running down at the quays about a fortnight ago and I though I was going to pass out by the end of it. I am such a typical Brit. Moan when it rains, moan when its sunny, moan moan moan.
I think I am going to start getting a big arse before long. I keep finding myself glued to the TV. I never used to really bother with it, but with the new series of Doctor Who, Glee reaching the finale, Big Brother kicking off, Torchwood getting renewed so much other stuff worth watching, I am finding myself getting more hooked. I suppose it doesnt help that I have stopped going out as much to save a bit of money. We arent strapped for cash by any means, but what with the holidays booked, rent going out, general spending and everything else, I just thought maybe its best to reign it in a bit. No need to spend for the sake of it and so my nights out have taken the axe. Only for a wee while though.
It's Jays birthday next month and I have no idea what to get him. He wants a new computer so I can get that, but what else? I was thinking maybe some concert tickets or something? I hate buying for him. Its so hard. He has everything. Perhaps I should give him my car and treat myself to the TT. Is that cheating?
Right, I am off for a shower. I am in court this afternoon and I need to sort myself out. Hope all of you are having a great week and I shall be back soon
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Detoxing With A Sore Arse
So again I have been quiet for a while. Two reasons for this. Firstly, a good friend of mine died and it knocked me for six. It hit me a lot harder than I imagined something like that would and I withdrew within myself for a while. Aswell as that, I have been having issues with my internet, and so had to go without it for nearly two weeks.
I have been really pushing it at the gym for the last few days. I think perhaps I have been releasing some pent up agression or something. I dont know, but I have been doing about 15 hours this week, and I usually do about 8, so I have increased it a lot. On Wednesday, I was overdoing it on the rowing machine, trying to keep besting myself and I ended up sliping off the seat and coming down on the bar that runs along the middle. As a result I have a massive bruise on my butt cheek and a bit of a sore arse. I gues I should just be thankful that I didnt bash my balls.
I have quit drinking alcohol for a while aswell. I never really overdo it with the stuff, and I dont drink that often, but I was just sick of waking up after a heavy night feeling like I had been hit by a bus. I can't deal with hangovers like I used to when I was younger. I think perhaps a month of detox should do the body good.
I am attending my first lebian civil wedding thingy next week. Should be a laugh. My friend Jo (who is absolutely insane) is getting hitched to an American (who is equally as insane). They keep joking that they are going to turn up in suits, but I think (and hope) they will wear something a bit more fem. Women in suits just dont look right. Or is it just me that thinks that? Neither of them are particularly butch, so I hope they dont try making a big statement about it.
Right, it is time for me to go eat. Sausage, eggs, bacon, beans, hash browns, black pudding, toast, mushrooms and tea. Another 5 hours in the gym will be required after this grease fest.
Hope all of y'all are well. I will get some commentage in today on your blogs. Hae a good Sunday all of you.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
The Big 5 0
So what have I been upto? Hmm, well I have just completed three days working at BBC Northwest. I was kind of just there for show really, but it was wicked fun. A colleague and myself were asked to go to act as advisors for a new show being filmed. The guy I was with did all the advising, while I went star hunting. They were a great bunch of people though, and a very random experience was had, but it was a good few days.
So who is watching Glee at the moment? That Madonna episode was pretty brilliant wasnt it? Loved Sue doing Vogue. And Of Course Doctor Who is back on as well. Matt Smith is the best Doctor since Patrick Troughton. All this tv is tunring me into a couch potato.
Jay and I have booked some tickets to go and see Paloma Faith next month. Have I told you all this already? Well anyways, we havem and I can't wait. Her album, if you haven't heard it already, is fantastic. Go download it. This guy demands it:
I chose this guy because he weirdly looks a lot like Jay, except Jay has lighter hair and less of a tan :D
I have arranged to go back to my rugby training the week after next. After all the injuries and downtime I think half of the guys have forgotten who I am, but it will be great to get back to the game. Since the car crash and the first wrist break, I have got a lot of catching up to do. Jay is winding me up saying I am getting a podgy belly so I have to get back to full training on the pitch and in the gym. He is just bitter because I am making him flabby though.I don't know what's wrong with me lately but I can't stop baking cakes. In a manly way of course :P But yea, I am feeding him up with treats and that's never good. I will end up on a documentary if this keeps up, about people who feed their partners. I'm not trying to make him fat obviously, and he is still a skinny little runt, but I wouldnt care how he looked. Come on, big awww!!
We are off to see Kick Ass tomorrow. Have any of you seen it? Is it any good? I can't say I am particularly fussed, but Jay is dead excited to see it. We went to watch Clash Of The Titans last week, and that was pretty good. It was a bit slow in parts, but overall pretty good. And who can moan at Sam Worthington and his abs eh?
Right, on that note I am going to bring this one to a close. Jay is doing overtime today and I promised I would have dinner ready for when he comes home. Nothing fancy, just pork chops, carrots and croquettes. If he is lucky he might get some gravy too. Just call me Gordon Ramsey. No, on second thoughts....
Monday, 12 April 2010
The Money Tree
We left off just before the dinner party. Well, that went down a storm. Everyone commented on how great the food was, so the nerves were unnecessary. It was really good catching up with everyone that I havent been able to spend so much time with lately, and we all ended up very drunk and had a massive orgy. Well no, we didnt really, but we did all end up very drunk and a great time. Some of my friends decided to embarrass me by recounting tales to Jay, of when I was younger. Oh the shame.
Some of my friends who came had still to meet Jay, and some of his friends hadn't yet met me, but everyone got along really well, and so now everyone is nagging for us to do it again. Perhaps we can make it a monthly thing or something?
I seem to be leaking money all over the place this week. Don't you hate it when loads of bills come at once? Over the last seven days or so, every bill imaginable seems to have been put in my postbox. I will selling copies of the big issue at this rate. Then last week I spilled a bowl of water on my laptop, so that was fucked (hence the lack of blogging), so I went out this morning and bought a new one. I wouldnt have minded so much, but I only had the last one since christmas, so that was money that didnt need to be spent. I should have got insurance on it I guess, so it's my own fault. I just got the same one as before so it only set me back about £500. And I got insurance this time.
The weather has been fab for the last few days, so inbetween shifts I have been taking full advantage and getting my pasty white pins out for a bit of a tan. I drove Jay and I to Blackpool at the weekend and we just chilled out on the beach for a while and ate chips. It's been ages since I went last but it was nice getting out of the city for a while, and even nicer not having to work while we had a few days of sun.
I have been invited back to my old place this week for a catchup with everyone. Smelly Gav won't be there, so it may be worth a drive, because I havent seen too much of the others since I left. I went shopping with one of the girls one day last week and she said that the house is still a shithole and everyone has pretty much given up trying to keep on top of it, since the two guys just keep making it a mess again. I don't miss the hassle at all.
Right, I am off to see what everyone has been blogging about for the last week, so until next time folks.....
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Come Dine With Me
Anyways, it's arrived. Food night. I have got people arriving at 7ish ready to eat at around 8. I wanted to do it a bit earlier, but everyone said 8 was a good time. I am being super productive with everything today. I thought I would end up rushing because I always drag my heels with everything, but The food is prepared ready for cooking, the dessert is made, the table is going to be set once I have finished on here and the apartment is cleaned from top to bottom.
I decided to go with small Cajun chicken skewers to start. They are only small so people wont get full off them, and I saw the idea on a cookery show yesterday so I rushed down to the supermarket to pick some Cajun spices and chicken breasts up. They are actually dead easy to make. Not as boring as soup either. I cooked some last night just to make sure they didnt taste like shit, then Jay came along and tried one, decided he loved them and begged that I make more so I ended up using all the chicken I got yesterday and had to rush out again today for more. If anyone is interested in any of the recipes, feel free to ask. I feel like Gordon Ramsey. With a smaller forehead.
I don't know what to do with myself now. I've got to sit here until Jay gets home at 6 but all the prep is done so I am a bit bored. I am so bad at these things. I will sit here for 4 hours stressing that things will fuck up. Is it too early for wine? I ended up getting 8 bottles of all different types, and I think most people will bring their own too. I intend getting very drunk tonight. I have a hell of a weekend coming up with work so I will be enjoying my day off with a hangover tomorrow.
I decided to do a favour for a friend and so I have swapped loads of shifts over the weekend and taken on a double shift for Friday. I start at 12pm Friday afternoon and finish 8am Saturday morning. Then I am back in at midnight on Saturday until 10am Sunday morning. I am praying that it is a quiet weekend.
Ok, I can't take the boredom anymore so I am going to head to the gym for a sesh. Wish me biceps.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Round Round Baby, Round Round, Spinning Out On Me

I am holding my first proper dinner party this week. I feel so grown up. I have cooked for friends before, but this week we are going all formal. Jay and I are having 8 friends over and I am sstuck with cooking 3 courses. Well, not stuck. I guess its unfair to say it that way. I volunteered. Jay can't help because he is an idiot in the kitchen. I swear he could burn water. I have tried teaching him to cook but he just can't grasp it. Either that or he is faking so that I will do all the cooking.
I have no idea what to make yet except for dessert. I make a fab banoffee pie, so I shall be making a heap of that. For a starter I figured maybe I would try something like soup, because it is easy and everyone likes soup. Or maybe prawn cocktail? But then I would have to handle fish products and I would probably pass out. Massive phobia. I have to think of something or I will end up just handing out packs of crisps.
For the main I was thinking Cous Cous with morrocan spices, sautee potatoes with rosemary and garlic and diced lamb in a tomato and chilli sauce. I've made that before so I know it's a safe option and it tastes amazing. Would you eat that? Does it sound ok? Failing that I shall order a chinese, hide the cartons and pass it off as my own.
Right, thats all for today. I have clothes to try on and then I have to head to pick Shane up from the train station. Have a good weekend guys.
Monday, 22 March 2010
A Comeback Of Sorts
The holiday is coming together nicely. New Zealand is in, Melbourne is cut shorter. We have started saving and putting in extra in the gym. Well I say we, Jay hates the gym so mainly it is me. It is a year away, but I want to start packing and getting things ready. I am sooo excited. We also decided on where to go this year. Once again it ended up being somewhere we hadnt planned on, so we are off to Kenya for two weeks in July. I can't wait for that either. We are going to do a safari in this enormous widlife sanctuary thing. Lions and tigers and.... elephants? Oh my!
We went to watch Alice In Wonderland last week. Not really sure how I felt about it though to be honest. I enjoyed it, but it was perhaps a bit too Burtonesque. And Johnny Depp was weird in it. Do they know how to make movies without each other? Some bits of it though were fantastic. I think one of the reasons I didnt get into it so much was because the cinema was packed out and we were stuck right down the front, staring up at the screen throughout the whole thing, with these massive glasses on. The 3D-ness could have been better too. Oh, I think I am just being a moaner now!
I had a whole weekend off this past weekend which was brilliant. Jay and I went out on Saturday, ended up drinking several bottles of wine and getting really drunk. We havent had a chance to do that for so long and it was really nice just sitting in the bar talking and getting tipsy. We went afterwards and got two of the biggest pizza's I have ever seen. Jay ate his and then half of mine. For someone so slim, I dont know anyone who can eat as much as him. It makes me sick.
I think I am going to start decorating this week. Well, I still have my cast on so I don't know how much I will be able to do, but I feel like the apartment needs brightening up, so I think I will give the place a lick of paint and maybe go get some new cushions and stuff. Ooh how gay.
Well that's it for today. I am waffling and it is boring.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
The Hardest Day Of My Life
I can't go in to too much detail for various reasons, but yesterday I was paired up with a long serving officer as part of my ongoing training, and had to accompany her throughout the shift. The day started out with us being called to a domestic, where we found a woman huddled in the corner of her bathroom, beaten so severely she could barely see through puffed up eyes. Her husband had come home from work and bashed her around for whatever reason, and then tried saying she had tripped over something and fallen down the stairs.
We see things like this all the time, but the hardest thing in the world, like in this case, is to keep your mouth shut when the woman just smiles, says she is clumsy and it was all her fault for not watching where she was going, and you have to just leave without doing anything. The anger and frustration overwhelms you but you just can't say anything. Some of the guys have said that that feeling goes and you just stop feeling pity for people who won't even help themselves, but I don't want to get like that because it bothers me. It will always bother me seeing these people. That's why I have always wanted to do this job. So that I can try to help people.
A little later in the day we had to explain to a woman in her 80's, how her husband of over 60 years had been killed in an RTA. In perhaps a moment of disbelief she offered us both a cup of tea and some biscuits before sitting down and saying how she doesn't know a life without him and asking us what she was supposed to do now. She looked so frail and lonely. The horrible thing was that all we could do was offer to take her to the hospital.
An hour before the end of my shift, and the worst thing I have ever had to do in my entire life, we had to go and tell a women that her seven year old daughter had been knocked down in a hit and run and that she had died at the scene. The womans sobs broke my heart and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom where I cried. Only for a moment, because we are trained not to. Not to let it get to us. Not to take it home. But just for a moment I couldnt help it. At the end of that shift I don't think I had ever been so happy to take my uniform off.
Jay was wonderful when I got home, and he managed, as always, to cheer me up. But I think the events of yesterday will stay with me for a long time to come. I know things in the job will get harder, and perhaps my outlook to it will become harder as a result. It's one of the cons of the job I guess. I guess I just didn't realise quite how emotional it can all be.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Ryan O: Coming To A City Near You
Part one of the holiday is a bit of a backpack/inter-rail thingy. Its spread over 40 days and will be taking in some of the big european cities. I like history, so some of the places got on the list for historical value, others got on because I just havent been there before. Anyways, the first leg goes like this.
Start from
Manchester (UK) fly to
Lisbon (Portugal) rail to
Madrid (Spain) rail to
Marseille (France) rail to
Rome (Italy) fly to
Athens (Greece) coach via
Macedonia and
Bulgaria onto
Bucharest (Romania) train to
Budapest (Hungary) train to
Salzburg (Austria) train to
Berlin (Germany) train to
Copenhagen (Denmark) train then boat then coach to
Stockholm (Sweden) fly to
London (UK)
So thats part one of the holiday and then from london we move on to the second part. After 2 days in London we then fly to
Hong Kong, spend five days there before flying to
Shanghai, Another four days there before flying to
Melbourne for two days then travelling from there to
Sydney, spending a week there before flying to
San Francisco and spending four days there, then flying to
Los Angeles and staying there for a week before heading to
London, and then flying from there home to
The whole thing is costing a fair few bucks I must admit, and will take around 70 days in total, but I figure it is something I have wanted to do for such a long time, and I might as well do it now while I am financially able to and young enough to enjoy it. Its booked for the first week of July 2011, so although it is all paid for, it gives me another 15 months to save up and have loads of spending money. I spoke to work and told them I will be needing 3 months off, which they have ok'd since it is so far in advance, which is awesome. Jay is finding out today if they will be cool with it where he works, but it shouldnt be a problem and even if it is, then tough, it's paid for now.
As for this year, I think we are going to do a week or two in Cyprus during the summer. Neither of us have been, and I have heard good things about it, and we dont want to spend too much money, or go somewhere where we will be going next year, so Cyprus is jumping out at us. Or possibly Crete. Who knows. We have a few more weeks before we have to make a deffinate decision.
(Randomly, Jay has just text saying he wants to go to Borneo. I'm not 100% sure where that even is. Isn't it near India?)
Anyways, the point of all this, is that after a few really shitty weeks, I have cheered up no end, and Jay and I have something amazing to look forward too. You never know, maybe we will bump in to some of you on our travels.
Have a good week guys.
Friday, 26 February 2010
The 2010 Career Conundrum
I have had some time off due to the crash, and my first day back at work was Wednesday. In the time I have had off, a new seargent was promoted. She was off on Wednesday, so I didnt get to meet her, but from what a couple of the guys were saying, she has been drafted in from a different constab, and she has dragged her bad attitude with her, pissing off half of the force within her first few days.
On Thursday, I got into work and she was there already. I had barely got changed when she took me to one side, demanded to know why I had so long off from work, and asked me how I felt about 'being paid for mickey taking absences, over minor injuries'. Now, I dont take well to being pulled up on something that has no connection to her, and was dealt with before she even transfered, and when I told her that if she wanted reasons she could check my file, and that I would be speaking to the Inspector (her superior) about her attitude, she tried passing it off as bad sarcasm on her part, and asked me to keep it to myself.
I decided, although I knew she was full of shit, to leave it go by and get on with my work. About an hour or so later, I was taling to her about some arrest forms, and explained that the name on one was wrong. Because she was dealing with it, I couldnt ammend it myself, and obviously because we dont want to be prosecuting the wrong people, putting the right information on the forms is paramount. She argued with me for over 15 minutes about how she doesnt make mistakes, and refused point blank to double check the sheets.
When she finally gave in and checked them, and saw the mistake, she came right up in my face, saying 'Are you happy now Ryan? Is it so important to make me look stupid? I've put it right now'. I just responded with, 'Was it wrong though?' and she went bananas, started screaming at me in front of a room full of officers about how shitty my attitude is and if the only reason I come to work is to undermine her in 'her' station, then she will see to it that I won't be coming there for much longer, before dragging me into one of the interview rooms for another grilling.
Steve, the Inspector on duty who overheard everything followed us in and it all went to shit. This girl is a jumped up, silly little bitch who has let a bit of power get to her head. She is younger than me, which just made me even more pissed. I know it shouldnt, but you hear about this at work all the time. From what we have found out from former colleagues of hers, she got her promotion through brown nosing, and when it comes to actual policing, she doesnt know her arse from her elbow, and got all her merit from taking other peoples credit. As big headed as it sounds, I am brilliant at my job. I work my arse off and I am well respected at work, and I won't be spoken to like that by anyone.
This girl tried her best to make it look like I was being disrespectful to her and talking to her like shit, but I think that the Steve saw through it. She started shouting again, and I stood up, said that she is out of order, and obviously not the right person for the job, and told them that I was quitting. Steve managed to get me sat down, and spoke to me about how it will all be dealt with, but she just wouldnt give up, and kept talking to me like shit. In the end I threw my badge down and walked out.
I spoke to Steve and agreed not to quit there and then, but to take 3 days out until Monday to think things over and calm down. He stood and told me about how good he thinks I am and what an asset to the team I am etc, which was nice, because he never says stuff like that to anyone. One of the guys text me today and said that the Sarge had been demoted and moved to desk for the forseeable, which is a relief, and so I guess I will be going back after all, but I have never had a day like that before, where I absolutely hate my job. I am not even totally sure why I have written all this to be honest, but it just pissed me off no end. I think maybe I am just worried that it will taint my view of the job. We will have to wait and see I guess.
On another note I need a holiday. The Winter in the UK doesnt seem to want to end. 3 months of on/off snow, and freezing temperatures is driving me insane. Jay and I have been looking for destinations and we have whittled it down to a few, though none are particularly cheap. We are looking at Dubai, Hawaii, Tunisia or Mauritious, though right now, just for a bit of sunshine I would probably be happy with a weekend in Spain.
Anyway, this has turned into a really whiny little blog so I will leave it at that. Think I will take a wee while to give the blog that overhaul I was talking about a few weeks back.
Have a good weekend guys.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Needed: Padded Cell W/ A View
On Saturday, Shane and I were driving into town for her to pick some stuff up. I haven't had time to catch up with her much lately so I offered to drive her around so she could get all her stuff done. It was an eventful day to say the least. So we were driving into town and we pull up at the lights. We were barely there 20 seconds when some dude, drunk out of his brain, rams into my ass doing 50. We both had our belts on, but the forced shunted us forward, with Shane smashing her face into the dashboard. I used the steering wheel to hold me upwards so that I didnt hit my face (not needing another broken nose less than 2 months after the last).
As if that wasn't bad enough, the force of the car hitting us pushed my car forward into the crossroad, and we where then hit by a car coming from our right, which smashed into my side, buckling the door and pinning my arm between the door and the wheel. I heard a loud crack and then, a mere 24 hours after having the cast off, my wrist broke again. It was even more painful this time and I screamed like a bitch.
My knee took quite a bashing as well and I am covered in cuts and bruises, but I am mainly ok. I had to do two nights in hospital, but other than my arm now hurting like crazy, and with the return of the 8 week itch, I am mainly ok. Shane had a pretty rough deal though. She broke her nose, and has two black eyes from headbutting the dashboard, then as she was moving her head back and the other car hit us, she smacked her head against the side window, which then smashed and cut her head open, so she had to have some stitches as well. All that injury between us both, and all she did was moan about them shaving a patch of her head. Typical woman.
Needless to say, my car is a write-off. I am off work again too. I swear they are going to start thinking I am self harming to get time off or something. I have a million forms to sort out, plus because it has to go to court, there is the effort of waiting for another station to deal with it all (it can't go through the one I work at for legal reasons), plus insurance and statements and whatever else. Its a bloody nightmare!
I suppose the good thing is, that this time I wasn't just being clumsy, and what happened wasn't my own fault like when I fell and bashed my face, or grabbed the hot kettle. I swear though, one more injury before christmas and I am going to invest in a suit of armour or something.
So yea, anyway, that is why I have been quiet. I dread to imagine how bad it would have been if we werent wearing our seatbelts. Jay has been looking after me though. He really is amazing. When he came to the hospital and saw the state of me before they got me cleaned up, he started tearing up. I looked a lot worse than I was though. We had to do Valentines Day in hospital, which was different I guess. He loved all his gifts though, and he got me some amazing stuff. I will tell you all about it next time though because he has just run me a bath and so I have to head off.
Stay safe guys.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Making Up Random Words


Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Happy Valentine??
The thing with me is, when it comes to shopping I never know when to stop. I never feel like I have got quite enough. Christmas is a nightmare because I end up spending hundreds of pounds more than is needed, buying extra gifts that aren't needed, so that I don't feel like I am being a cheapskate. I blame it on my younger brother. I remember one time when he was younger, saying to me 'is that all?' when I gave him his birthday presents and ever sinse then I go into overdrive whenever I have to buy people things. I will need to send my credit card to a health spa before long.


Friday, 5 February 2010
Surprises, Speed Dating and Silent Discos



Thursday, 28 January 2010
Home Is Where The Heart Is

Thursday, 21 January 2010
Last Night Of Freedom


Monday, 18 January 2010
Cleaning Up And Clearing Out



Saturday, 16 January 2010
Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful?


Thank You's and Shout Out's
I believe that you should always be humble and greatful to the people who take time out to read what you are writing, and so I just want to say a massive thank you to you all, whether we have had the chance to talk, or not, I am greatful that you are taking the time to read my stuff, and leave your comments and I hope that people are getting a little something out of my random writings.
Secondly, and this could end being huge so I will try keep it as short as possible, but there are a few people I want to give a shout out too, and hopefully a bit of a free promotion for their blogs. Please don't be offended if you aren't on the list, it isnt that I dont like your blog or dont pay attention to it, it's just due to time restraints and me probably forgetting, so if you aren't on this list, I will make sure you are on the next.
Ok so firstly Octavius. My first ever follower. Someone who always has a kind word to say, and a sensible and thoughtful word to write. A very popular and interesting man around these parts, so be sure to check him out for yourself.
Next up is Nik, whose bizarre world keeps me entertained. This guy has led quite the life, and his stuff is well worth reading so click his link and check him out.
One of my personal favourites is Bobby over at bi.the.way who is telling his tales of struggling between his love for his girlfriend and his desire to test the waters with a man. Well worth a read.
In Whose Pants has been having a bit of a rough time of it lately, so head over to his blog and give some words of encouragement to see if we can't get him cheered up a little.
Next up is Just whose blog is really interesting, and who I havent been commenting on nearly enough lately. Go check out his stuff.
We also have GayMormonBoy, who I am not greatly aquainted with yet, but I have been reading his stuff and he has a great outlook and a different perspective, and his blog is well worth a look so give him a click.
Lastly is Graeme who is my newest follower so I havent had too much time to read all his stuff yet, but from what I have read so far, this guy has a lot to say and a lot of stuff worth reading, so hit him up.
i know there are lots of regulars on my blog who I have missed out, some deliberately, some in error, but I decided halfway through that I would split this into two, and put a load more into the next one, so dont be disheartened people, your names will appear within the week. Until then, check these guys out and give them some support.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
And The Songbirds Keep Singing Like They Know The Score
So firstly, last night I was back at work. I got through the whole shift without being poked, bashed, battered, bruised or punched. That in itself was a good start. I was on desk duty which I expected, but I got to catch up with everyone and get the skinny on everything that I have missed sinse I have been off. Back in tomorrow now.
I should also mention that this post will be kinda backwards, starting from last night and then working backwards to earlier in the week, with random mentions of futre events. It's probably best you go get a coffee or something because this could get confusing.
before my shift yesterday I went out with some friends for dinner. We went to this Japanese place called Wasabi. Now I should probably say that going to a sushi bar was not my idea. I have an enormous phobia of fish. Dead or alive, choped, mashed or fried, if I know it came from the sea, I get an overwhelming terror. Its a source of much ridicule from my friends and family. Anyways, I hadn't seen them for ages, so I decided to try and brave it. We got in there and took our seats around the revolving tray thingy and it started. I looked at this raw fish looking sardine type thing sitting on top of a what looked like glued together rice and ran outside to be sick.
I ended up going back in, but sat on a table away from the fishy stuff with one of my friends and had a bowl of soup. Its wasnt the nicest or most filling thing ever, but I was assured that no fish were interfered with during the making of it.
Friday night I went to view some apartments. I took Jay with me to stop me from doing anything rash. thing is, I aint as patient as I would like and I know I would have just ended up saying yes to the first one with a toilet. anyways, the agent girl who was showing me the places was awesome. I know it sounds random but she just had this great personality and I wanted to be her friend. Anyways, we looked at a couple of places and she offered to take us to this new place thats just been built, that will be coming on the market in a few weeks. So we go and look at it and because its a new build the actual one I would move into is just bricks at the moment, though she said there is a one week turnaround to get carpets laid and walls painted etc. That suits me. She showed 3 different layouts and as soon as I went in to the third one it felt like it was mine.
You know with a new home, sometimes you just know? I walked in an even with no lights or carpets or anything, I could imagine where all my stuff would go, how it would look etc. Jay thought it was brilliant too and so out of nowhere, I asked him if he wanted to move in with me. I know, I know, massive step, but it just felt right. Anyways, he said yes and we took it. We have to go and put the final payments down on Friday and then it's ours. Which means I now only have a few weeks left with Smelly Gav and the shithouse brigade.
I had a bust up with my mum over the phone the other day so we havent spoken for nearly a week. The thing is, I developed my stubborn gene from here and we are both as bad as each other, so unless someone dies, neither of us will give in and pick up the phone to make amends. Seriously we are the worst. I remember once when I lived with her we had a row and didnt speak for over 3 weeks, even though we lived in the same house. The silence was only broken when I had one of my spaz moments and fell down the stairs. I will have to be the better man this time though and phone her because I need a favour :P
The random title from todays post is my little homage to Jay. I fell asleep the other day listening to the song on repeat. Not sure why but it reminded me of him so much. He had never heard it, but when he did he loved it, and he decided that it should be 'our song', which I love. We now have a song. Isnt that like a big thing?
Anyways, I think for the moment that is all. Not much else to say really. I got through the whole weekend pretty much without any accidents which is a major plus. I hope all of you are well and I shall return with a new blog soon. In the meantime, make lots of comments. Not had many lately and I feel like a hasbeen singer whose singles arent charting very well. Wow, most random analogy ever. On that peculiar note, I shall bow out. until next time guys :D
P.s. No pictures today. For somereason, its not letting me scroll the blog to bring them down to appropriate places. If any of you know how I can rectify this, let me know. Cheers me dears
Friday, 8 January 2010
Doctor, Doctor


Monday, 4 January 2010
P.S.... I Love You



Friday, 1 January 2010
This Episode Of Ryan O Is Brought To You In Technicolour
